Since I”ve read much about git and how great it is, I recently thought that I had to try it myself. And indeed, it is quite amazing and is nice to work with. There was one thing that I disliked, though: I never quite knew in which branch of my repository I was, especially after I”ve been away from coding for a few hours.
Of course I could just look that up, but I tend to forget that and then end up with code that belongs to a different branch. Now the shell prompt looked like a good place to show the current branch, but simply executing “git branch | grep ^*” would only work in the top-level directory of the repository. So I wrote the following function which will traverse all containing directories and look for a .git directory. Having found one, it will nicely print the the branch in dark green color, with a @ sign in front of it:
Update: As many people have pointed out, bash-completion provides a function called __git_ps1 which will happily print the current git branch and can be used as well. I don”t quite like the rest of bash-completion, though, so I”ll stick with my own.
As Yuri pointed out, git branch works from any directory, so here”s the updated (and much shorter ๐ ) version:
function formattedGitBranch { _branch="$(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e "/^\s/d" -e "s/^\*\s//")" test -n "$_branch" && echo -e " @\e[0;32m $_branch" }
Having this in my .bashrc, I could integrate it quite nicely with my prompt:
\[\e[1;32m\]\u\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[m\]$(formattedGitBranch) \[\e[1;32m\]\$ \[\e[m\]\[\e[0m\]
the git bash-completion scripts come with a prebuilt (and more fully-featured) way to do this. It””ll even show you if you””re in the middle of a rebase, etc. Do a google search for __git_ps1
git branch works from any directory inside git work tree.
Another solution:
if [[ `git rev-parse –is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null` == “true” ]]; then
git branch | grep ””^*”” | sed -e ””s/*/@/””
Better use:
git branch –no-color 2>/dev/null | sed ””-nes/^*[[:space:]]*//p””
git branch โno-color 2>/dev/null | sed ””-nes/^*[[:space:]]*//p””
If you have the git bash-completion scripts installed, take a look at the $__git_ps1 function. Yours is pretty simple and clean ๐
Git already has a number of such small helpers. All this scripts starts with a __git prefix. One of them is __git_ps1 which meets approximately the same purpose as your formattedGitBranch.
You can get this, and a lot more, when using Zsh and the vcs_info plugin.
If you have Git””s Bash-completion installed (and enabled), you can get away MUCH more easily, since it already provides a “__git_ps1″ function. Here””s a snippet from my .bashrc:
# Show Git branch in bash prompt
export PS1=””[33[01;32m]u@h[33[00m] [33[01;34m]w[33[00m]$(__git_ps1 ” [33[01;33m](%s)[33[00m]”) $ ””
In any case, even if you don””t have Git””s Bash-completion, your formattedGitBranch() function is not efficient. A much more efficient way to determine your current branch name is simply:
git rev-parse –symbolic –abbrev-ref $(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)
Have fun! ๐
Git already has that functionality somewhat included. Here””s a snippet from my .bashrc for having the git or svn branch in the prompt (note also that the git-completion.bash will give you bash completion of git branches and other goodies):
GIT_VERSION=`rpm -q –qf “%{VERSION}” git`
. /usr/share/doc/git-“$GIT_VERSION”/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
parse_svn_url() {
svn info 2>/dev/null | grep -e ””^URL*”” | sed -e ””s#^URL: *(.*)#1#g ””
parse_svn_repository_root() {
svn info 2>/dev/null | grep -e ””^Repository Root:*”” | sed -e ””s#^Repository Root: *(.*)#1/#g ””
parse_svn_branch() {
parse_svn_url | sed -e ””s#^”””$(parse_svn_repository_root)”””##g”” | awk -F / ””{print ” svn:” $0}””
PS1=””[u@h W[33[01;32m]$(__git_ps1 ” git:%s”)$(parse_svn_branch)[33[00m]]$ ””
hmm… strange… replace all the double-double quotes with single quotes in the above…
I have the following in my .bashrc. It””s the same as yours, but with an additional smily ๐ if the return code of the last app was 0, and a smily ๐ if it was !=0 ๐
# git branching
function formattedGitBranch {
# check whether we””””re in a git repository
while [[ “$checkDir” != “/” ]]; do
if [[ -d “$checkDir/.git” ]]; then
GIT_DIR=$(cd “$checkDir/.git”; git branch | grep “^*” | sed -e “s/^*//”)
echo -n -e “@e[0;32m$GIT_DIR ”
return 0
checkDir=$(readlink -f “$checkDir/..”)
return 1
# use a fancy prompt ๐
PS1=”$PS1 `if [ $? = 0 ]; then formattedGitBranch; echo -e ””[33[01;32m]:)””;”
PS1=”$PS1 else formattedGitBranch; echo -e ””[33[01;31m]:(””; fi`[33[00m] $ ”
export PS1
If you use bash_completion scripts
do this
. /etc/bash_completion
export PS1=””u@h:w $(__git_ps1 “(%s)”)n$ ””
Have fun
I use zsh, because of the _really_ nice completion features and this is possible in zsh too.
If you want to try it out, I””m using the .zshrc from which does some really neat things
You might also be interested in Which is a small program that prints formatted branch and revision info for CVS. SVN, Git and Mecurial suitable for inclusion in a shell prompt.
a “” is missing in front of the call of the function in the prompt. Should be …$(formattedGitBranch)…
I meant a backslash was missing, but thoose caracters seem to be “swallowed” when printed in the comments.